Man texting on phone

How To Market Your Restaurant with SMS

How to adopt a true SMS GTM strategy in the hospitality industry.

How to Market Your Restaurant with SMS and Boost Engagement

The U.S. SMS marketing market is projected to hit $12.6 billion by 2025, underscoring the growing influence of text messaging as a communication tool. Moreover, it’s consumer behavior that most drives this trend, as  91% of customers want to receive text messages from businesses.

After all, smartphones have swiftly become essential items we check before leaving the house: wallet, keys, phone. When searching for a new lunch spot, we instinctively turn to our trusty phones, browse nearby restaurants, read reviews, and make our choice. This constant connectivity is an opportunity for restaurants to build stronger relationships with customers. Unlike emails, which often go unread, SMS messages have an open rate of 98%, with 85% of smartphone users preferring SMS over email.

Case in point, if your restaurant isn’t using SMS marketing, you’re missing out on potential revenue.

SMS Marketing for Restaurants – Getting Started

Embarking on SMS marketing successfully involves meticulous preparation to ensure your efforts are both effective and compliant with regulations. Begin by securing your restaurants’ customers phone numbers along with explicit consent to receive text messages.

Here are several effective strategies to grow your restaurant’s SMS subscriber base:

  • QR Codes: Place QR codes on menus, receipts, and promotional materials. This allows restaurant diners to easily scan the code with their smartphones and join your SMS marketing list with minimal effort.
  • Website Pop-Ups: Implement pop-ups on your website to encourage visitors to join your SMS list. Offering incentives like discounts or exclusive content can entice visitors to sign up.
  • Loyalty Programs: Make phone numbers a required field in loyalty program forms. This helps you collect phone numbers from your restaurant’s most loyal customers, who are likely to be interested in receiving text updates and marketing promotions.
  • Social Media Contests: Host contests and giveaways where participants text a keyword to a specific number to enter. This not only helps grow your subscriber list but also boosts engagement and excitement around your brand on social media platforms.

Providing clear and concise opt-in and opt-out instructions is essential to honor customer preferences and adhere to legal requirements.

Crafting Your Restaurant’s SMS Marketing Campaigns

When designing your SMS campaigns, it’s crucial to prioritize both the message content and timing. Ensure your marketing content is concise, relevant, and action-driven, keeping in mind:

  • Include your restaurant’s name: Ensure recipients know who the message is from to build trust and brand recognition. Clearly stating your restaurant’s name immediately establishes transparency and credibility.
  • Make messages easy to scan: Use short sentences and bullet points to make your texts quick and easy to read. This approach helps recipients absorb information quickly, increasing the likelihood of engagement.
  • Personalization: Tailor messages to individual preferences to boost engagement. Using the recipient’s name and customized content based on their previous interactions or purchase history can significantly improve response rates.
  • Clear CTA: Include a clear call-to-action to drive desired outcomes, whether it’s encouraging recipients to visit your website, redeem a discount, or participate in a survey.
  • Timing: Send marketing texts at appropriate times, and factor in the timeline of your restaurant’s promotions. Avoid sending messages too early or too late in the day, and consider when your audience is most likely to have their stomachs rumble and their minds drift to thoughts of their next meal.
  • Tailor your marketing messaging to your restaurant’s patrons: Armed with your restaurant’s sales data, craft SMS marketing that reflects your customers’ unique tastes. Does your Chinese restaurant see peak traffic on Christmas Day? Or perhaps your French onion soup becomes the hottest item on the menu once winter strikes? Do you find that the brunch crowd varies dramatically from the dinner crowd? All these insights should heavily influence your restaurant’s SMS content, from layering in vivid details to pinpointing the perfect hook.
  • Deploy conversational texting for two-way communication: Did a restaurant patron just respond negatively to your texted survey? With Voxie’s AI, you can use conversational texting to send personalized, thoughtful responses instead of a generic “thank you for your input.” This is just one example of how you can use this SMS feature; click here to learn about conversational texting and how it can advance your restaurant’s marketing.

How to upgrade your SMS messaging to drive engaged, two-way conversations with customers.

Regularly analyze campaign performance metrics, such as open rates and reply rates, to refine your strategy and maximize your restaurant’s SMS marketing efforts. Additionally, gain inspiration by researching your competition: sign up for other restaurants’ SMS marketing to observe the timing and content of their text messages.

When to Use Text Message Marketing to Maximize Effectiveness

SMS for Fast Casual Dining

  • Use SMS to keep restaurant customers informed about their upcoming orders: Few things are more frustrating for a customer than expecting their order to be ready at a certain time, only to be misled about the status. SMS is the perfect way to provide a heads-up so restaurant-goers are less aggravated by delays.
  • Remind your customers of special perks available in your mobile app: Send a text message with a link to download your restaurant’s app and offer a first-time discount code, including the opportunity to sign up for a Rewards Program.
  • Drive customer loyalty with personalized offers based on purchase history and order preference: For example, leverage zero-party data collection by asking your customers via SMS about their dietary preferences. Then, leverage the segmentation feature to text restaurant customers who have ordered vegetarian and/or vegan dishes in the past when you have a new plant-based meal on the menu. If there’s a seasonal item on the menu that you’re looking to promote before it’s taken off the menu, you can send a message creating urgency around trying the item before it’s no longer available.
  • Ask customers for their feedback, helping to grow your restaurant’s review-count: Once a customer has signed up for your messaging list and made their first visit to your restaurant, make sure to reach out to inquire about their experience. Better still, you can link users directly to review sites, explaining the importance their feedback has toward your restaurant’s future. If you choose to offer text recipients incentives for their reviews, be mindful of FTC disclosure guidelines and the policies (and penalties) of different platforms; for example, Grubhub’s attitude toward incentivized reviews will differ from Yelp’s.

Efforts to leverage SMS to collect restaurant reviews will prove worthwhile. Nearly nine out of ten (88%) of consumers worldwide consult reviews when discovering a new business, making the review process a crucial part of your restaurant’s marketing.

  • Celebrate SMS subscribers on their birthdays:   Make sure you have your customers’ birthday information: this is a simple, yet impactful way to drive customer loyalty by inviting them back for a birthday celebration with a discount or complimentary dessert with purchase. And what better way is there to contact customers about delicious freebies than a fun text message?

SMS for Sit-down Dining

  • Make it easy for your customers to book a table through SMS. Whether they are new to your subscriber base or a part of a segmented list of customers based on specific demographics (such as age, location, or order history), sending an SMS campaign inviting customers to book a reservation can increase foot traffic at your business. After all, as stated here, scheduling via SMS is on the rise! This simplifies the process for diners and is an organic way to put your business at the forefront of their minds while making upcoming plans to dine out.

Pro tip: the holiday season is approaching, and your customers will likely be making reservations or placing orders for special occasions. Keep them in the loop with deadlines to place orders or reserve a table to avoid complaints from customers.

  • Encourage your customers to take advantage of your special deals. Why not send a well-crafted call to action to book a table during Happy Hour or brunch, along with new updates to the restaurant menu including seasonal offerings? Just make sure to send such marketing texts sparingly to avoid being seen as a nuisance.

How to Use SMS Marketing for Seasonal Promotions and Special Events

Utilizing SMS marketing for seasonal restaurant promotions and special events can significantly increase foot traffic. Here are some strategies to effectively use SMS for these initiatives:

  • Announce seasonal menus: Inform your customers about new and seasonal menu items through text messages. An SMS campaign highlighting limited-time offerings can create urgency and entice customers to visit your restaurant to try these exclusive dishes before they’re gone.
  • Promote special events: Whether it’s a holiday celebration, live music event, or a tasting night, use SMS to send reminders and exclusive invites to your restaurant’s marketing subscribers. Personalization, such as addressing recipients by their first name or mentioning their most frequented location, can make these invitations feel more special and increase participation rates.
  • Offer exclusive discounts: Reward your loyal customers with special discounts tied to seasonal occasions. For example, send a text offering a discount on their next meal during the holiday season or a free side dish with a Valentine’s Day dinner. These personalized offers can boost customer satisfaction and loyalty.
  • Request reviews: After dining, kindly ask customers for their feedback and encourage them to leave reviews. These reviews often play a crucial role in influencing potential guests’ decisions, as they provide genuine insights into the quality and service of your establishment.
  • Customer behavior campaigns: Run targeted win-back campaigns to re-engage lapsed customers and encourage them to return, offering incentives like exclusive discounts or personalized offers.

Incorporating these strategies can help fast casual and quick service restaurants maximize the effectiveness of their seasonal promotions and special events through thoughtful and timely SMS marketing campaigns.

How to Integrate SMS into Your Current Restaurant Marketing Strategies for an Omni-channel Approach

Integrating SMS with your existing marketing strategies—such as email, social media, in-app notifications, and in-store promotions—can create a cohesive and powerful omni-channel approach that amplifies your marketing efforts. Here’s how you can effectively combine these channels:

  • Synergize SMS and email campaigns: Use SMS to complement your restaurant’s email marketing efforts by doubling down on important promotions or reminders. For instance, if you send an email about an upcoming special event or limited-time offer, follow up with a brief text message to reinforce the message and increase the chances it will be seen and acted upon.
  • Social media cross-promotion: Leverage your social media platforms to encourage followers to opt into your SMS list. Use posts, stories, and ads to highlight the benefits of signing up for text alerts, such as exclusive deals and early access to events.
  • Enhance in-app notifications: Integrate in-app notifications with SMS to ensure your messages are seen by users who may have disabled push notifications. For example, if you’re promoting a new dish through an in-app notification, you can also send an SMS to remind users to check their app for exclusive discounts and updates. This can create multiple touchpoints, ensuring broader message reach and engagement.
  • Amplify in-store promotions: Encourage customers to opt into your SMS list at the point of sale by promoting it alongside in-store promotions. For example, you can display a QR code at the checkout counter or include information on receipts. Offering an instant discount for signing up can motivate immediate action.

By strategically integrating SMS with your existing marketing strategies, you can create a seamless and engaging restaurant patronage experience that spans multiple touchpoints. This not only maximizes the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns but also strengthens customer loyalty.

Example Omni-channel Marketing Campaign for a Fast Casual Restaurant

Congratulations, you just launched a new menu item! Here’s how you can utilize an omni-channel approach to drive traffic to your restaurant and ensure a successful launch:

Step one - social media promotion: Tease the new item on social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter to generate excitement. Use engaging visuals and hashtags to reach a wider audience and encourage followers to share.

Step two - email announcement: Send an email to your subscriber list with a detailed description and mouth-watering images of the new item. Include a special introductory offer or a discount to entice recipients to try it.

Step three - SMS alert: Notify your marketing subscribers with a quick SMS about the new menu item. Keep the message concise but informative, and include a link to your website or online menu for more details.

Step three - in-store banners: Promote the new item in your restaurant with eye-catching banners and posters. Place them in high-traffic areas like the entrance, near the counter, and at tables to ensure maximum visibility.

Limited time offer SMS: Send an exclusive limited-time offer via SMS to create a sense of urgency. Highlight the flavors of the new item and encourage immediate action to take advantage of the special deal.

Strategies to Measure the Effectiveness of Your SMS Campaigns

Tracking the success of your restaurant’s SMS campaigns is crucial to optimizing your marketing efforts and achieving the best possible results. Here are some key points to consider:

  • Leverage software to monitor the success of your restaurant marketing: Manual text message marketing doesn’t allow you to pull any metrics, which makes it challenging to measure effectiveness. Utilize advanced SMS marketing tools to run national campaigns and compare success across various parameters such as:

    • Message Deliverability: Ensure your messages are reaching recipients’ inboxes without getting flagged as spam.
    • Engagement: Measure how recipients interact with your messages, including response rates and engagement time.
    • Conversions: Track how many recipients take the desired action, such as making a purchase or signing up for a newsletter.
  • Key performance indicators (KPIs):

    • Open-rates: The percentage of people who open your messages.
    • Clickthrough rates: The percentage of recipients who click on links within your messages, revealing the effectiveness of your call-to-action.
    • Code redemption rates: Track how many recipients use discount codes or promotional offers sent via SMS.
    • Same-day sales: Measure the immediate impact of your SMS campaigns on sales within the first 24 hours.
  • Leverage A/B Testing to Uncover Key Drivers of Success. A/B testing is the most effective way to discover what SMS outreach resonates best with your restaurant’s patrons. Depending on your objectives, you might opt for true A/B testing or utilize an SMS group with a control group.

    So what is A/B testing?True A/B testing compares two variations of a single element (such as message content or send time) without changing any other factors to identify the superior performer. Conversely, a control group enables you to gauge the campaign’s impact against a baseline without any intervention.

Quick Service Restaurant Brands Leveraging SMS Marketing for Real Results


Starbucks effectively uses SMS restaurant marketing within its omni-channel strategy to boost customer engagement and sales. Key tactics include personalized notifications, exclusive offers and discounts for loyalty members, mobile order and pay alerts, event invitations, and brand engagement campaigns. This approach ensures consistent, direct communication with customers, enhancing engagement and fostering brand loyalty.

Taco Bell

Taco Bell successfully uses SMS marketing to strengthen customer connections and drive sales. Key tactics include sending exclusive promotions, announcing new product launches, updating loyalty program members, inviting customers to events, and providing order status updates. These strategies enhance customer engagement and loyalty while increasing restaurant traffic.


Subway utilizes SMS marketing to directly communicate with customers, delivering timely and relevant information. Key strategies include exclusive discounts, menu updates, loyalty program engagement, event invitations, and order status updates. This approach enhances customer engagement, loyalty, and sales by maintaining personalized and consistent communication.

Conclusion – Elevate Your Restaurant Marketing with SMS

Integrating SMS into your restaurant’s marketing strategy provides numerous advantages, including enhanced customer engagement and increased sales. By following these guidelines and harnessing the power of SMS, you can cultivate a more connected and loyal customer base.

Create highly personalized SMS experiences with Voxie AI text messaging capabilities.

Utilizing Voxie’s comprehensive SMS marketing tools, restaurants can develop a more engaging, personalized, and effective communication strategy, boosting customer loyalty and driving revenue growth.


We empower franchise restaurant leaders to grow revenue and cut operational costs without increasing their workload through:

  • Automated Re-engagement: Utilize Voxie AI to reconnect with former customers or leads, effectively guiding them toward a purchase.
  • Standardized Operational Efficiency: Ensure consistent success across all locations by implementing standardization. Leverage AI SMS to eliminate manual, repetitive tasks.
  • Never Miss an Opportunity: Guarantee immediate follow-up for every lead with triggered AI SMS, regardless of your location, the time, or the volume of leads.

Looking to elevate your restaurant marketing? Request a demo today to experience firsthand the impact SMS can make!

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